Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Movie review - Alice in Wonderland

Holy crap, is this my fourth post today? What's gotten into me?

I actually saw this movie a couple of weeks ago. Sorry for the delay in writing the review. I'm not sure if it's still in the theaters anymore. If it is, though, you should definitely go see it. Tim Burton and Johnny Depp strike gold once again.

This sequel to the original Alice in Wonderland (I wish they had changed the title so people could tell this wasn't a remake) is set something like ten or twelve years later. A now grown up Alice finds her way back to Wonderland with no memory of her first trip. The Red Queen, brilliantly played by Helena Bonham Carter, has everyone cowering in fear. It's up to the Mad Hatter (Depp) and the other familiar Wonderland characters to get Alice to help them fight back. There's a lot of great humor here that pretty much all ages can appreciate. It is Disney, after all. But there's also plenty of stuff that only the adults will catch.

I also want to add, I saw this movie in 3D. Now, with all the 3D movies coming out these days, I got kind of caught up in backlash. I pretty much thought the idea of 3D was a stupid gimmick. Not after actually seeing it, though. The glasses were nice, sturdy things, not the flimsy cardboard junk I expected, and they were big enough to actually fit over my regular glasses comfortably. And the effects were just awesome! Every time the Cheshire Cat was on screen, I wanted to reach up and pet him. He was right in your face! It was very cool, and I'm looking forward to seeing more movies in 3D in the future. **cough*StarWars*cough**

So, again, I apologize for the late review. It may be too late for you to see this in the theater now, and in 3D, but even without the added effects it's still a great movie. Anyone who's a fan of Tim Burton and/or Johnny Depp can't miss this!

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