Friday, February 5, 2010

Super Bowl this weekend

In case you've been under a rock of some kind and didn't know, the Super Bowl is this Sunday. Super Bowl XLIV, between the Indianapolis Colts and the New Orleans Saints.

Living in the Cincinnati corner of Indiana, I'm a Bengals fan first, but a Colts fan second, so I'm pulling for the Colts. I used to like the Saints too, until I heard some of the stuff they were saying this week. Stuff about laying the hits on Peyton Manning, taking penalties to do so if necessary, and how great it would be if they could end his career. Now, I'm all for a team putting pressure on the quarterback, but you don't play dirty! You don't try to hurt anybody, especially the quarterback! How would that make you feel, knowing you only won because you took a team's key player out of the game? **cough*'05-'06Steelers*cough**

Anyway, I think it'll be a good game either way, as long as it's clean. Go Colts!

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