Monday, February 22, 2010

Quick wrestling update

I only managed to catch a little more than half of Impact again this week, so I'm not going to do a full review. I don't even remember much of what happened. It was good to see Kaz get out of that stupid Suicide costume and return to action as himself. I also really enjoyed seeing Hogan give Abyss his ring and that pep talk. I hope this means the true Monster Abyss will be back soon.

The big news of the week is that starting early next month, Impact will be moving to Mondays! I haven't been a big fan of Raw in almost ten years, but I still seriously doubt that Impact can stand up against them. I see this as a potentially very bad move for TNA. From what I've read around the internet, I think a lot of people agree with me that Hogan is taking the company in the wrong direction, and moving them to Mondays might just sink them for good.

Wouldn't it be crazy if we learned five yeas from now that Hogan was working for Vince McMahon the entire time to run TNA into the ground?

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