Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to The Basilica

Hey there. I'm Rev. Link and this is my blog. I'm new to this sort of this, so I hope you'll bear with me. As you can see over in the sidebar, I plan on sharing news and opinions on a number of topics here, mostly fanboy type stuff. But before I go into any of that, I thought I'd share just a bit about myself.

I'm currently 31 years old. I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, though I now live just across the border in Indiana. Some of my favorite things include Star Wars, The Legend of Zelda, and Aerosmith. I collect video games and comic books, go to as many concerts as possible, and own a number of DVDs and novels. I have long hair, and I like swords. I'm also single (no shock there, I guess).

I started this blog for a few reasons. Boredom being one of them, but also because I love discussing the things that I'm passionate about. So I hope anyone who stumbles across this, if you're into any of the things I am, you'll stick around and check it out. And if any of you have any kind of suggestions on the layout, let me know. I'm sure I'll be tweaking it a bit here and there, and I'd appreciate the feedback.

Enjoy, and please excuse this next little bit of dork overload. It's my first post, so I think I'm allowed.

May the Force be with you.
The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.
With great power comes great responsibility.

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