Friday, January 29, 2010

Pro Bowl

The Pro Bowl is this weekend, in case you hadn't heard. Yes, the weekend before the Super Bowl. Is anyone even going to watch it this year? I know I'm not. I'm usually a big fan of the Pro Bowl. It's a great way to say goodbye to the NFL season. But by moving it to the week before the Super Bowl, the NFL virtually guaranteed that many of the best players in the league would be sitting this game out. Sorry fans, I know you voted for Payton Manning, but he's not playing. And why should he? He has a Super Bowl to worry about next week! I wouldn't play either, if I were in his shoes. I don't even blame the guys sitting out who aren't playing in the Super Bowl, guys like Tom Brady or Bret Favre. Hey Bret, you just got stomped hard in the NFC Championship game. Wanna go play a meaningless game with a bunch of B-teamers while you wait to see how well the Saints do against the Colts? No? Didn't think so.

I've heard that the NFL has taken notice of the fan reaction to the moving of the Pro Bowl and has promised to put it back where and when it belongs after this year. I hope this is true. But in the meantime I'm voicing my displeasure in the only way I know how. Well, besides posting about it here, that is. I'm not watching the game.

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