Monday, June 10, 2013

E3 2013!/Been a while, eh?

So, it's been about three years since I've posted anything here. Maybe it's time I start doing this more often again. So let's get right into it with E3!

E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, is a once-a-year event held in Los Angeles, CA. At E3, the industry's biggest game publishers and hardware makers show off their big releases for the year. That description probably makes it sound boring to those not in the know. Think of it as gaming's Superbowl. This one week out of the year all eyes are on the games industry. Even major news outlets like CNN and USA Today cover E3. It's like nothing else. Picture a huge convention center filled with booths featuring all the biggest releases you're dying to play, but probably won't be out yet for another few months to a year. Also, giant banners, displays, statues, spectacle of all kinds to grab your attention. And then there's the booth babes! On top of all that, stage presentations from the biggest names in gaming, showing new releases often for the first time, and dropping those bombshells we never see coming! Remember the Zelda: Twilight Princess reveal back in 2004? Anyway, chances are you already know all about E3 if you're reading this blog, so let's move on.

This year is going to be a big one. With Sony and Microsoft both releasing their gen 8 consoles there's going to be a lot to cover. First and most important is straightening out the details about how exactly these new systems function. We know some things from Microsoft already. The Xbox One will require an internet connection to play games. It can only play offline for 24 hours before it stops playing games. Also, Kinect has to be connected to the system at all times, though they've said you can turn it off. And lastly, publishers will be allowed to decide whether or not they want to allow used games to function. All three of these things are very, very bad, in my opinion, but I'll get into all that in another post. What I hope to learn from E3 is just which publishers will be allowing used games and which won't, and if there'll be some kind of fee involved. Also, will just any store be able to carry used games? There's been talk of only "participating retailers" being able to deal in used Xbox One games. What exactly does that mean? Microsoft has a lot of explaining to do tomorrow morning. The big question is, will they actually answer any of those questions or will they just try and dazzle everyone with shiny new games? I'm guessing the latter, unfortunately. The fact that Microsoft has cancelled it's post-show press event, where it answers questions from the media, is a bad sign.

I also really want to hear what Sony plans to do. They've been pretty tight lipped about the PS4. Sure, they've said some things like, "PS4 will be able to play used games," but technically so can Xbox One. It could all be obfuscation from Sony's PR department, looking to avoid the kind of backlash Microsoft has gotten. I really, really want to hear good things from Sony, because as it stands now I have no intention of getting an Xbox One.

This leaves us with Nintendo. When last I posted here, the Wii was still rolling along. It didn't take me long to get tired of motion controls, so for most of gen 7 I played Xbox 360. Looking back on it now I can better appreciate the Wii. It actually had a really good library if you just took the time to find games with minimal motion controls, or that used the Classic Controller. But this is now, and the Wii U is Nintendo's reigning console. I'll save my thoughts on the Wii U for another post. Let me just say for now that I'm really liking it! If the PS4 has the same kind of restrictions the Xbox One has, I'll be happy sticking with just Nintendo. So you can guess that I'm pretty excited for their event on Tuesday. They're doing things a bit different this year, though. Instead of the normal stage presentation, they're doing a series of Nintendo Direct broadcasts. I suppose I can see why. It would be tough for them to stand up against two new console reveals. I guess from a business standpoint this is the best thing for them to do, but I'm going to miss the atmosphere of Nintendo's live presentation this year. But hey, in the end it's all about the games, right? And they look to be showing off some good ones this year. With no new console information to have to worry about they can focus strictly on software. Can't wait to get some news on the new Super Mario game, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., and of course the multiple new Zeldas heading our way!

The hypetrain is a-rolling! Get on board! The week we wait all year for starts tomorrow morning! E3! I'll be making more posts over the course of the week, I'm sure, trying to keep up with all the news. Hope you all get some news you like!

Today's music: Super Mario Sunshine